Our Teaching Elders (Pastors) and Ruling Elders jointly have the responsibility of the government and oversight (shepherding) of the Church, including teaching. When gathered together to do the work of the Church, they are referred to as our Session.
Our Deacons are called to serve the physical and spiritual needs of our people, as well as to care for our church property. Their Biblical qualifications and roles are fully described in the Book of Church Order. The Deacons gather regularly as a Diaconate Board.
Our staff supports the ministries of our church, under the direction of the Session.
Teaching Elder/Pastor

On January 2nd, 2005 Kyle led this new church in her first worship service. For more about what God has done since that first Sunday, see our History page.
Our pastor is committed to both the public and private ministry of the Word of God for the growth and sanctification of God’s people. His prayer is that the gospel of Jesus Christ and particularly His cross will shape and form his shepherding ministry and the ministry of Grace Community Presbyterian Church, PCA. Please do not hesitate to give him a call if there is anything he can do for you. We hope you will visit our church and worship with us as we together, with Kyle, submit ourselves to God in service to one another.
Kyle is grateful and humbled at what God has done in and through GCPC and her people.
Ruling Elders


John came to faith in Christ in 1983, and since that time God has directed him at various times to serve and lead in youth ministry, singles ministry, and global missions leadership and support on various levels.
The Lord brought his beautiful wife Samantha into his life in 2008. They are a 21st century romance, having met online through eHarmony while living 1000 miles apart. They married in 2009 and have been serving the Lord ever since in the areas of hospitality ministry, global missions ministry, and small group leadership. John and Samantha relocated from Phoenix to the DFW area in 2014, and currently serve GCPC as Reynosa Missions Trip leaders, Missions of Grace (MoG) team members, and Greeting Team coordinators.
John and his wife love to travel, having spent time in South America, Central America, Western and Easteern Europe, and various countries in Africa.
While at home, they love to travel, visit museums, play board games, camp, and spend time with family.

In addition to serving in the music ministry at GCPC, Elizabeth teaches music theory and choir at Travis Academy of Fine Arts, teaches private music lessons, and is an active composer. She and a friend have also started an independent music publishing firm, EM Music Publishing, which focuses on providing pedagogical materials for music teachers and students.