Student Ministries of Grace (SMoG) is our intentional ministry for our covenant children in Junior High and High School, and their families.
Our Purpose:
The SMoG ministry exists to assist the parents of GCPC’s covenant children in the Christian nurture of students in 6th – 8th grade (Junior High) and 9th – 12th grade (High School), by providing an environment in which we shepherd our youth by
- teaching them the doctrines of our religion
- praying with and for them
- providing them with opportunities to encourage and exhort one another
- equipping and empowering adults (not just parents) to mentor and disciple our students
- encouraging our students to fully participate in the life of the Church by providing opportunities for inter-generational ministry in which our students minister to others outside the “youth group” and many from the church minister to our students
- providing opportunities for students to serve together outside the church, such as in mission trips or service projects
What We Do:
Sunday Morning Christian Education Resumes January 5, 2025.
Classes will meet at 9:30 am
- The high school class meets in our Martin Luther classroom going through a systematic theology study using the Westminster Standards.
- The middle school class meets in our John Calvin classroom going through an overview of the Bible.
Youth Group Activities:
A time of fellowship, teaching, discussion, and prayer the first three Wednesdays of every month during the school year from 7:00-8:30 pm at the church. For 2024-2025 we will study the book of 1 Corinthians.
The fourth Wednesday of every month will be a time of general fellowship for our students to be together.
Our Middle School and High School Students will also have activities and outings once a month for their age group.
Our students will also be involved in our local community through scheduled service projects each semester.
SMoG Calendar–January through May 2025 (1-3 Wednesdays: 7-8:30, Fellowship Nights: 6:30-8:30:
8th–Youth Group–7-8:30
15th–Youth Group–7-8:30
22nd–Youth Group–7-8:30
25th–Event–Activate/Escape Room
29th–Youth Group–7-8:30
5th–Youth Group–7-8:30
12th–Youth Group–7-8:30
19th–Youth Group–7-8:30
21-22-Event–Home Fellowship/Church Game Night
26th–Youth Group–7-8:30
5th–Youth Group–7-8:30
12th–Youth Group–7-8:30
19th–Youth Group–7-8:30
26th–Youth Group–7-8:30
2nd–Youth Group–7-8:30
9th–Youth Group–7-8:30
16th–Youth Group–7-8:30
23rd–Youth Group–7-8:30
30th–Event–Escape Room/Roller Rink
7th–Youth Group–7-8:30
14th–Youth Group–7-8:30
21st–Youth Group–7-8:30
28th–Youth Group–7-8:30
Senior Dinner–Date TBD
Break for SMoG
HS RYM–June 9-14
If you would like to receive text updates on SMoG, please sign up for our Remind group by texting @smogrem to 81010.
You may also be interested in the beta version of our church app. If so, this link will take you there.
Please email our church if you have any questions about our SMoG ministry: Click Here!