Student Ministries of Grace (SMoG) is our intentional ministry for our covenant children in Junior High and High School, and their families.

Our Purpose:

The SMoG ministry exists to assist the parents of GCPC’s covenant children in the Christian nurture of students in 6th – 8th grade (Junior High) and 9th – 12th grade (High School), by providing an environment in which we shepherd our youth by

  • teaching them the doctrines of our religion
  • praying with and for them
  • providing them with opportunities to encourage and exhort one another
  • equipping and empowering adults (not just parents) to mentor and disciple our students
  • encouraging our students to fully participate in the life of the Church by providing opportunities for inter-generational ministry in which our students minister to others outside the “youth group” and many from the church minister to our students
  • providing opportunities for students to serve together outside the church, such as in mission trips or service projects

What We Do:

Sunday Morning Christian Education Resumes August 25th, 2024.

Classes will meet at 9:30 am

  • The high school class meets in our Martin Luther classroom going through a systematic theology study using the Westminster Standards.
  • The middle school class meets in our John Calvin classroom going through an overview of the Bible.

Youth Group Activities:
A time of fellowship, teaching, discussion, and prayer  the first three Wednesdays of every month during the school year from 7:00-8:30 pm at the church. For 2024-2025 we will study the book of Hebrews.

The fourth Wednesday of every month will be a time of general fellowship for our students to be together.

Our Middle School and High School Students will also have activities and outings once a month for their age group.

Our students will also be involved in our local community through scheduled service projects each semester.

SMoG Calendar–August through December 2024 (1-3 Wednesdays: 7-8:30, Fellowship Nights: 6:30-8:30:


27th–Off for Thanksgiving


4th–Youth Group–7-8:30
11th–Youth Group–7-8:30
18th–Christmas Party



If you would like to receive text updates on SMoG, please sign up for our Remind group by texting @smogrem to 81010.

Please email our church if you have any questions about our SMoG ministry: Click Here!