This Upcoming Week’s Service
The Stream for the 03.30.25 service will be available here:
If you join us via live stream, please let us know and also tell us how we can be praying for you, here: Visitor & Prayer Requests Card
A Playlist of Sermons So Far in Matthew:
(Looking for a particular sermon? Click the icon on the top right corner for a list of sermons in Matthew. It is updated each week. A playlist of all of our sermons in Genesis can also be found on our YouTube page. )
Interested in more? You can subscribe to our YouTube page here.
Giving to GCPC
One way to continue to maintain your financial support of your church, as a first option, you may send your check to our Treasurer. Please make your check out to “GCPC” and send to the following address:
Doug Flowers
11 Katie Lane
Trophy Club, TX 76262